Friday 27 January 2012

How Do You Keep a Healthy Attitude During Winter?

Typically each week I?m sharing my own tips or advice on a wide range of topics.� This week, I?d like to turn the tables and ask you to share your ideas on something I think probably affects many of us this time of year?the winter ?blahs.?

You probably know what I?m talking about, that hum-drum, lack of energy feeling you get mid-winter.� I?ve heard some people refer to it as ?cabin fever? because they feel cooped up indoors all the time due to the cold weather.� I?m not sure if it?s the cold, the reduction of daylight or maybe a combination of both, but I certainly feel the effects of it.

I have a few strategies to cope?I try to get outside as much as I can when th weather cooperates.� Just the other week, I wrote a blog about how this year I?m growing my own herb garden so we can enjoy some fresh herbs like we do during spring and summer.� I also try to make myself stay active despite feeling like all I want to do on some days is hide under a blanket on my sofa.

So, I want to know?how do you cope with the cold weather, the reduced amount of daylight and the lack of other perks that come along with the warmer season (I?m thinking fragrant flowers, warm breezes ?)?� It could be an exercise routine that boosts your mood, maybe a nutrition tip or a specific activity you feel is beneficial.� Please share your own tips with us using the comment feature below.� I, for one, will be very appreciative of any suggestions!

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