Thursday 26 January 2012

Ridiculously Easy Vegetable Gumbo and Cooking From Your Pantry and Freezer

Ridiculously Easy Vegetable Gumbo

Near the end of the first week of my KISSS healthy-eating plan, calamity struck?or at least what passes for calamity when you are trying to cook and eat healthy soups every day. I went to the pantry and found that I had no onions. No onions! Take a look at almost any of my savory recipes and you?ll see the same first step: ?Saute onions in a non-stick pan.? Onions provide the flavor base on which all of my soups are built, and without onions, I definitely couldn?t cook the soup that I had planned to.

It was almost dinner time, so rather than make a trip to the store for one item, I took a look in my freezer and pantry to figure out what I could make with what I had on-hand. In the freezer I had a package of Cajun-Style Mirepoix blend (onions, green peppers, and celery) and several bags of mixed vegetables, including a gumbo blend. Using them and canned tomatoes and beans from my pantry, I managed to make an amazingly good gumbo in under a hour, and the only vegetable I had to chop was the garlic.

Having a well-stocked freezer and pantry can rescue you when you?re running short on fresh ingredients and might be tempted to reach for something processed and unhealthy. People often ask me what I keep on-hand at all times, but I?ve never really taken stock and written it down. Until now. Excluding fresh fruits and vegetables, which vary by the season, here are the basic ingredients that I always keep in my pantry and freezer. Click on ?Print? if you?d like to print the lists (the photos will print also).

Canned Goods

Of course, as soon as I post this, I?ll think of other ingredients that are absolutely indispensable, and I?ll add them as they come to mind. The point is, with a well-stocked pantry and freezer, you can always whip up a meal in a hurry, no matter how bare your refrigerator is. Fresh veggies are always tastier, but frozen ones are just as nutritious (sometimes more so), usually less expensive, pre-chopped, and very quick and convenient to use.

Ridiculously Easy Vegetable Gumbo

More Ridiculously Easy Soups and Stews

Ridiculously Easy Southern Succotash Stew

Southern Succotash Stew

Ridiculously Easy Lentil Soup

Ridiculously Easy Lentil Soup

Refried Bean Soup

Ridiculously Easy Refried Bean Soup

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